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WSJ Article Review
Despite their domination in the high-end smartphone market segment, Apple Inc. and Samsung are facing stiff competition from Chinese companies.
Argentina Economic Analysis
Introduction In Latina America, Argentina is the second largest country after Brazil. It covers an area of 2,780,400 km². The country has a population of about 42 million people. Argentina’s economy benefits from its natural resources, high literacy levels, an agricultural sector that is export-oriented, and a highly diversified industrial base. However, it is important … Continue reading Argentina Economic Analysis
Review of the Book: “Guns, Germs, and Steel”
The main focus of this research paper is to provide a clear review of the main issues within the book: “Guns, Germs and Steel”. In this book, the author Jared Diamond tries to examine the immediate causes of racial and cultural forms of discrimination which lead to the events of the European civilization in South … Continue reading Review of the Book: “Guns, Germs, and Steel”
Ventricular Septal Defect
Introduction A diagnosis of a congenital heart disease was more of an anatomical finding than a clinical condition in the past. Until the beginning of the 20th century, congenital heart disorders had been rarely recognized in live individuals and even heart atlases were addressed rather to pathologists than clinicians (Freedom, Yoo, Mikailian, Williams, 2003). The … Continue reading Ventricular Septal Defect
Global Warming
Outline Background Introduction What is the Global Warming The Global Warming Issues from the Past to the Future Reasons for Global Warming Natural process of climate change Anthropological factor Conclusions and Recommendations References Global Warming Introduction Recently, we more often can observe the calendar dates of the seasons shift. In a few decades, Europe was … Continue reading Global Warming
The Abortion Act
Overview of health problem Abortion is the process of interrupting the life of a child, not born yet, till the time it is able to exist independently. This process has been legalized in all states of the United States of America. Some political parties are against abortion act, while others support it. The Democratic Party … Continue reading The Abortion Act
Frida Kahlo
It is generally believed that artists can be associated with people who enjoy walking along the flowerbeds and admire the beauty of this world. It may seem that they have no earthly worries, as their masterpieces are full of light, colors and life. Nevertheless, it is a rather stereotypical opinion. In fact, many pieces of … Continue reading Frida Kahlo
Ebola Virus
Ebola is a viral disease that was discovered in 1976 through outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire) and Sudan. The Ebola disease is commonly known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever or the Ebola fever. This rare disease is fatal. It affects humans and nonhuman primates such as gorillas and monkeys when they are … Continue reading Ebola Virus
History of Mars Exploration
The famous NASA Mars Exploration Rover Mission involves two rovers, which are out to explore the planet Mars. They include spirit and opportunity rovers, which commenced in 2003. This exploration had a significant objective of elucidating on the existing rocks and soils on Mars and their influence on the ancient activity of water on the … Continue reading History of Mars Exploration
Response to Should I Smoke Dope Documentary
The botanical name Cannabis sativa may sound unfamiliar but the names Indian hemp, marijuana, weed, dope, or pot is far more likely to register with anyone over 13 years of age. Marijuana is an herb that has existed for thousands of years. Initially, the plant stem was harvested and was employed in making strong fibers … Continue reading Response to Should I Smoke Dope Documentary