Free Essays

Climate Change Essay

Comparison of Anthropogenic and Natural Climate Changes Climate change refers to the change in the distribution of weather patterns over a certain period of time; this can be a few years or millions of years. This mainly refers to changes in the weather that are as a result of human activities. Natural climate change occurs … Continue reading Climate Change Essay

Death Penalty Pros and Cons

Introduction Death penalty is a kind of capital punishment which follows a legal process in prosecuting and killing people through the state for the crime the committed especially murder. It has been practiced widely in many societies’ who believe that criminals must be punished proportionally to the crimes they commit. It is seen as a … Continue reading Death Penalty Pros and Cons

Obesity Argumentative Essay Sample

Obesity The world is in a constant state of change. With this change comes good things like technological advancements which in turn result in easier ways of doing things. However, to every positive, there is a negative. In the current world, people aim to do things faster and more efficiently than before. While this is … Continue reading Obesity Argumentative Essay Sample

Social Media Essay Example

How Social Media Affects our ‘Real’ Social Life Social media has led to the deterioration of societal values. Our culture has been greatly affected by the social media. Ever since its discovery and adoption into our lives, social media has changed the way how we live, how we relate socially, and at times how we … Continue reading Social Media Essay Example

Bullying Sample Essay

Bullying Bullying can be defined as the use of force to intimidate or abuse others. This is a term that is most common in schools where the elder children tend to mistreat the others. However, bullying is an activity that occurs in many places. Bullying does not necessarily have to be physical. Instead, there can … Continue reading Bullying Sample Essay

Argumentative Gun Control Essay Sample

Gun control Considering the greatness of the debate concerning gun violence deterrence, public knowhow of current gun regulations is extremely poor. Ideas of loose and tough gun control are regularly stated in the media. However, the question should be asked; by what value? The outcome is the mainly detailed scenario ever of the makeshift quilt … Continue reading Argumentative Gun Control Essay Sample